2nd floor, Building #1, 134 Chudoji Minamimachi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8813, Japan
Registration is closed
Three days tickets STUDENTS ( No less than Sep 12th 11:55pm) | ¥4,000 prepaid |
Three days ticket for workers (No less than Sep 12th) 7meals are included | ¥6,000 prepaid |
Three days tickets for Students 7 meals included | ¥5,000 prepaid |
Three days ticket for workers 7 meals included | ¥7,000 prepaid |
The first day ticket ( Ticket ONLY for Oct 12th ) | ¥3,500 prepaid |
Ticket for the Presentation day ( Ticket for ONLY on Oct 14th Last presentation and party) | ¥4,000 prepaid |
We serve 7 dishes during the event |
Startup Weekend, the 54 hours that will change your life, is back! Come join the worldwide movement, meet aspiring entrepreneurs, and create a startup over the weekend! This time, Startup Weekend Kyoto welcomes participants from the Kyoto Startup Summer School coming from around the world.
This time we have Startup Weekend 「Women」!
There will be more than 10 Startup Weekend Women all over the world, and the first prize team will be invited to Bali, Indonesia for Demoday to do presentation and network with people all over the world.
This would be the best opportunity to meet lots of entrepreneurship minded people around the world.
※The three days tickets can be bought by everyone
※Idea pitch can be done by female only
※The first day and last day ticket are for everyone
Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs create a startup in 54 hours. Throughout the weekend, you’ll learn how to turn ideas into something real and experience what it’s like to startup.
During Startup Weekend, you and your team will take your ideas from concept to creation within a matter of days!
Starting from day 1, participants will pitch their ideas to form teams, then hit the ground running. Throughout the weekend, you'll be meeting talented and passionate coaches from whom you can get advice, and you'll be provided all the nourishment to keep going.
At the end of day 3, your team will be pitching your idea to a panel of judges who will provide feedback and select the winner!
But Startup Weekend isn't about winning, it's about working on ideas and taking the first step of your entrepreneurial journey. Startup Weekend isn't a Hackathon or a Workshop. There won't be nicely packaged instructions for you to follow, but you will connect with like minded aspiring entrepreneurs.
Many startups have been formed from Startup Weekends and many have found their co-founders to go beyond startup weekend.
See below for a more detailed schedule.
we want to continue efforts in cultivating a wholly inclusive community.
A key component of that vision is empowering women to pursue their dreams and build tools that change the world.
Do I need to bring an idea?
Not at all. If you don't have an idea, you can join another idea and form a team to work on that one.
How should I bring my idea?
Each person will only have less than a minute so slides are no-go. You can bring props if you want though.
Do I get to work on my idea?
Not necessarily. At the end of day 1, everyone will be voting for ideas and the top ideas will get to form teams. If your idea doesn't get enough votes, you won't be able to form a team around them.
Can I bring an idea that I'm already working on?
No, but well researched and vetted ideas are always welcome.
What's included in the price?
Seven meals (from Friday night to Sunday evening), snacks, a place to work, and all the excitement we can provide. All the organizers, facilitators, coaches, and judges are volunteers and not being paid a cent, so please be nice to them :).
What if I am not available for the whole three days?
To get the full experience, it's best to be available for the whole three days, but in the past, we have had participants who had to miss couple hours because of prior engagements.
Can I sign up with my friend?
Of course. More the merrier.
18:30 Registrations begin
19:00 Dinner and Networking
19:30 Pitches Begin
20:30 Idea Voting and Team Formation
21:00 Start Working!
9:00 Show up – Breakfast!
10:00 Coaching Session
12:00 Lunch!
15:00 Get out and talk to customer
18:30 Dinner! and check-in
19:00 Coaching Session
21:00 Venue closes
9:00 Show up – Breakfast!
11:30 Pitch Coaching Session
12:00 Lunch! and check-ins
15:00 Tech Check
17:00 Final Pitches
19:00 Judging and Awards
19:30 After Party!
※People who bought the last day ticket can enter the venue after 4:30pm
有限責任監査法人トーマツ/デロイトトーマツベンチャーサポート株式会社マネジャー 公認会計士
Baseconnect株式会社 CEO
DongYol Lee
Misaki Yamashita
京都府立大学公共政策学部卒 大手IT企業勤務 EdtechAsia日本代表
Ayako Masuda
大学で専攻した心理学をものづくりに生かしたく、本田技術研究所にて研究開発に携わる。2017年11月にStartup Weekend Tokyo IoTに初参加。起業家育成の理念に共感し、オーガナイザーとして参画。すべての人がより幸せに生きられる社会を目指して活動しています!
Isao Sawayama
大手都市銀行で約13年勤務後、コンサル会社を経て2010年10月京都リサーチパーク株式会社へ入社。ベンチャー、スタートアップのサポートを行なう。2011年よりStartup Weekend Kyotoのオーガナイザーを務め、以来6年に渡りオーガナイザーとして活動。
Masahiro Hattori
ひこねごきんじょ団 主宰。彦根市在住。食を媒介とした居場所づくりや、外国にルーツのある子供の学習支援などを行っている。学生時代にStartup Weekendに参加。現在は滋賀と京都のStartup Weekendの運営に関わる。
東京圏で開催したStartup Weekendの参加者の声をご紹介いたします。3日間の流れやチームの動きや気付き学びがわかりやすく書かれています。
1.Cancel policy and Rregistration policy
Please make sure to cancel the ticket no less than Oct 12th 11:55pm.
We are not able to cash back after the time above with any reason.
2.Come in and out anytime
You can come in and out anytime. You don't have to worry about you have to leave the venue sometime the event.
Notice !
There will be some volunteers who are bilingual, but mostly we speak Japanese.
However we usually have some non Japanese speaker participants, but most of the time they don't have any trouble to go through the event.
※Facilitator will speak in Japanese mainly.
Startup Weekends are in cities across the globe bringing together highly motivated group of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more for a 3 day...
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