Registration is closed
Early Bird | ¥6,000 prepaid |
Early Bird (Student) | ¥3,500 prepaid |
Early Bird (High School and below) | ¥3,000 prepaid |
Prepaid | ¥7,000 prepaid |
Prepaid (Student) | ¥5,500 prepaid |
Prepaid (High School and below) | ¥3,500 prepaid |
At the door | ¥8,000 at the door |
At the door (Student) | ¥6,000 at the door |
At the door (Highschool and Below) | ¥4,000 at the door |
Final Presentation Ticket | ¥1,000 at the door |
¥1,000 prepaid | |
Includes 7 meals |
Startup Weekend, the 54 hours that will change your life, is back! Come join the worldwide movement, meet aspiring entrepreneurs, and create a startup over the weekend! Since the last Startup Weekend (is/was) “international” and fully in English, this time we are going to be hosting one in Japanese. If you don’t speak or understand Japanese, you may want to sit this one out. Don’t worry, we’ll be back with bilingual and English speaking Startup Weekends next year!
Startup Weekends are weekend-long, hands-on experiences where entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs create a startup in 54 hours. Throughout the weekend, you’ll learn how to turn ideas into something real and experience what it’s like to startup.
During Startup Weekend, you and your team will take your ideas from concept to creation within a matter of days!
Starting from day 1, participants will pitch their ideas to form teams, then hit the ground running. Throughout the weekend, you'll be meeting talented and passionate coaches from whom you can get advice, and you'll be provided all the nourishment to keep going.
At the end of day 3, your team will be pitching your idea to a panel of judges who will provide feedback and select the winner!
But Startup Weekend isn't about winning, it's about working on ideas and taking the first step of your entrepreneurial journey. Startup Weekend isn't a Hackathon or a Workshop. There won't be nicely packaged instructions for you to follow, but you will connect with like minded aspiring entrepreneurs.
Many startups have been formed from Startup Weekends and many have found their co-founders to go beyond startup weekend.
See below for a more detailed schedule.
Do I need to bring an idea?
Not at all. If you don't have an idea, you can join another idea and form a team to work on that one.
How should I bring my idea?
Each person will only have less than a minute so slides are no-go. You can bring props if you want though.
Do I get to work on my idea?
Not necessarily. At the end of day 1, everyone will be voting for ideas and the top ideas will get to form teams. If your idea doesn't get enough votes, you won't be able to form a team around them.
Can I bring an idea that I'm already working on?
No, but well researched and vetted ideas are always welcome.
What's included in the price?
Seven meals (from Friday night to Sunday evening), snacks, a place to work, and all the excitement we can provide. All the organizers, facilitators, coaches, and judges are volunteers and not being paid a cent, so please be nice to them :).
What if I am not available for the whole three days?
To get the full experience, it's best to be available for the whole three days, but in the past, we have had participants who had to miss couple hours because of prior engagements.
Can I sign up with my friend?
Of course. More the merrier.
18:30 Registrations begin
19:00 Dinner and Networking
19:30 Pitches Begin
20:30 Idea Voting and Team Formation
21:00 Start Working!
22:00 End of Day
9:00 Show up – Breakfast!
10:00 Coaching Session
12:00 Lunch!
15:00 Get out and talk to customer
18:30 Dinner! and check-in
19:00 Coaching Session
22:00 Venue closes?
9:00 Show up – Breakfast!
11:30 Pitch Coaching Session
12:00 Lunch! and check-ins
15:00 Tech Check
17:00 Final Pitches
19:00 Judging and Awards
19:30 After Party!
((Coaches, Judges, Facilitators, and Organizers will be announced in a later date))
Startup Weekends are in cities across the globe bringing together highly motivated group of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more for a 3 day...
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